Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Who is Palau’s marine sanctuary for? 8 Happy feet for penguin campaigners in Chile 9 Not another bleeding veggie burger 9 Sanctuary scholarships for migrant students 9 Introducing Leo Varadkar 10 Dark side of the desert Louvre 10 Grief and guilt after Freetown mudslide 11 Brexit threatens African exporters 11 Cash averts famine in Somalia Plus: Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone and
Reasons to be Cheerful
The Big Story – Humans & robots i n k s t o c k i l o v/ T h i s m a g
12 The age of disruption We are being presented with a techno-fix vision of the future that will leave many of us reeling. Dinyar Godrej on the need to change it. 16 Killer robots
Noel Sharkey’s stark warning against the latest arms race. 19 Building the future, living in the past? How Japanese society and robots match up, by Christopher
Simons. 22 When the Foxbots muscle in
‘Replacing humans with robots’ is official policy in China. Jenny Chan reports on what it means for workers. 24 Automating the farm
Precision agriculture is where it’s at – according to the corporate giants. Jim Thomas inspects their plans. 26 Plutocrats and paupers
If automation will decimate job prospects, we need better proposals than those currently available, says Nick Dowson.
Features 30 Shopping for their lives Breakthrough drugs for hepatitis C are so costly, patients are defying the system to get their meds. Sophie Cousins reports. 34 Sponsored abuse
Prejudice and a lack of legal protection hamper migrant workers in Lebanon. Fiona Broom on the struggle for rights. 42 Get up, stand up! Alice McCool meets the Rastafarian lawyer fighting for cannabis freedom in South Africa.
Opinion 29 Kate Smurthwaite Why some punchlines are beyond a joke
PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon. 33 Mark Engler The dangerous dignity of war.
Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. Cover image: Chinnasorn Pangcharoen/Dreamstime (modified by Juha Sorsa). All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Mixed media 38 Music reviews Laissez Passer by TootArd; Live at Ronnie Scott’s by Nitin
Sawhney. 39 Film reviews I Am Not a Witch directed and written by Rungano Nyoni;
Menashe directed and co-written by Joshua Z Weinstein. 40 Book reviews The White Book by Han Kang, translated by Deborah Smith;
Red Famine by Anne Applebaum; The Rage by Julia Ebner; The City Always Wins by Omar Robert Hamilton. PLUS Also out there…
Regulars 6 Letters PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Payam
Boromand from Iran. 7 Letter from Cochabamba Amy Booth reports from on an overlong dry season. 36 Country Profile: Uzbekistan 44 Southern Exposure Ethiopia-based photographer Maheder Haileselassie snapped a collective effort to rid Lake Tana of an invasive weed. 45 Puzzle page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Mexican author and political scientist Yuri Herrera talks drugs, racism and masculinity with Graeme Green.
Coming next month: Civil society crackdown
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