Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Slum residents trampled in Lagos 8 No more arms for Saudis? 9 The dirty truth about viscose 9 Introducing Moon Jae-in 9 Growers fear impact of RCEP trade deal 10 A ‘fresh lens’ on climate change 10 Community action for affordable London homes 11 From Argentina’s fracking frontline 11 A week of LGBT+ equality gains

PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Bad education

/ P a n o s

B o d e

C h r i s d e

12 Back to the drawing board

The Right has captured education. Hazel Healy looks at the political implications. 16 Leave no one behind?

An update on the movement for universal education 18 Education for all – THE FACTS 20 Will Google take over the classroom?

Tamasin Cave reports on the powerful tech players pushing for radical changes in schools. 22 Between a shark and the deep sea

Patience Akumu considers the impact of low-cost private Bridge schools in Uganda. 24 Fatal attraction

Why the West must stop copying China’s flawed education system, by Yong Zhao. 27 How do you keep schools open in a war zone?

Sawsan Al-Refaei reports on the courageous efforts of teachers in Yemen. 28 Back on track

How second-chance schooling turned things around for Nyanrror Teresa Marial. 29 Revolution in the classroom

Mónica del Pilar Uribe Marín praises Colombia’s bestknown pedagogical export, Escuela Nueva.

Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa.

Cover photos: monkeybusinessimages; Smileus/Dreamstime

Contents Contents

Features 32 Deliver us from Venus and Mars Does reading about gender stereotypes bring us comfort? Gavin Evans reflects on why we are suckers for stories about the battle of the sexes. 36 When the police are paid by the mine Stephanie Boyd reports on

Peru’s growing trend of private corporations hiring public law enforcers to protect their interests. 42 On the trail of Che Photojournalist Julio Etchart follows the ‘Che route’ to the remote spot where the revolutionary icon was executed 50 years ago.

l l o r l l e M e

B e

Opinion 35 Chris Coltrane Er… what is neoliberalism, exactly?

PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon. 44 Mark Engler Revisiting ACT UP – America’s bold fight against AIDS.

Mixed media 38 Film reviews In Between (Bar Bahar) directed and written by Maysaloun

Hamoud; Quest directed by Jonathan Olshefski. 39 Music reviews ¿Donde estás María? by Meridian Brothers; Strangers by

The Young’uns. 40 Book reviews Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean; Kingdom Cons by Yuri Herrera, translated by Lisa Dillman; Art Sex Music by Cosey Fanni Tutti; Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic edited by Lynn Gaspard.

Regulars 6 Letters PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Rodrigo de

Matos from Macau. 7 Letter from Cochabamba For many Bolivians, life in the wealthy West is an irresistible dream as Amy Booth discovers. 30 Country Profile: Mongolia 45 Puzzle page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Tunisian singer Emel talks to Graeme Green about hope,

helplessness and the Arab Spring.

Coming next month: Brazil

All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.