One hundred years ago this month, a battle began that would go on to epitomise some of the worst aspects of the First World War. The third battle of Ypres, better known as Passchendaele, became infamous for the muddy conditions, the savaged landscape and the huge amount of blood that was shed for modest territorial gains. Yet the battle could have ended very di erently. In this month’s cover feature, beginning on page 20, Nick Lloyd argues that thanks to bold leadership and a change of tactics, Britain came close to shattering the German defences in the autumn of 1917.
Another controversial momentwe are revisiting this month is a medieval massacre committed in the French town of Limoges in 1370. The man blamed for the atrocity was the English heir apparent, the Black Prince. The incident has cast a long shadow over the prince’s reputation, but was he in fact innocent of the crime? Turn to page 44 to nd out what historian Michael Jones has to say on the matter.
Liberation is another theme that runs through this issue. On page 50 Yasmin Khan rev i s it s the dramatic end of the British Raj and the turbulent births of the new countries of India and Pakistan. Meanwhile, on page 62, Brian Lewis explains how the 1967 Sexual O ences Act – which partially decriminalised homosexual relations – ts into the long battle for gay rights in Britain. Both of these features accompany major BBC seasons across TV and radio and I hope they will complement your viewing and listening enjoyment.
Rob Attar Editor BSME Editor of the Year 2015, Special Interest Brand
N O T T/ F R A N M O N K S
I/ W E L C O M E PA G E – J E N
– G E T T Y/ D R E A M S T
Brian Lewis Fi y years ago, sex between men became legal in Britain. But was the 1967 Sexual O ences Act all it’s cracked up to be? A close investigation of the historical record reveals a more complex, ambiguous story. P Brian explores the campaign for gay rights on page 62
Nick Lloyd The battle of Passchendaele is central to Britain’s memory of the First World War. When researching this iconic campaign I was interested to see whether it conformed to the popular memory of mud, blood and futility. P Nick offers a fresh interpretation of the battle of Passchendaele on page 20
Yasmin Khan A small group of men decided to partition the Indian subcontinent in 1947 and more than a million people died as a consequence. The repercussions continue today in ongoing con ict between India and Pakistan. P Yasmin describes the key moments that define India’s partition on page 50
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