Ecblogist contents
VOLUM E 3 1 N O 9, NOVEMBE R 200 1
26 Education: on the ropes |
cover story
Although nobody seems to be noticing, the GATS treaty is handing control of education to private companies, reports Laurence Kalafltides. I n the UK, Accenture is keen t o be at the forefront. Solomon Hughes looks at its track record.
32 Free range Eigg
The Scottish island of Eigg has undergone dramatic land reforms over the past few years. Jake Bowers examines the results.
36 What goes around...
I n the first of a series, Lester Brown explains wh y the worl d needs t o stop seeing the economy as the centre of the universe and starting focusing o n ecology instead.
COMMENT 42 Linguistic guerilla warfare
Jeremy Seabrook criticises the insincerity behind multinationals' attempts t o appear green.
45 The reality principle
When supplies of oi l start t o dry up, writes David Fleming, ecological ideals wil l be translated int o economic necessities.
46 Europe: a new 'big idea'
Unless i t changes shape, writes Caroline Lucas MEP, the EU is structurally incapable of i t impossible for i t t o address environmental problems.
47 Fanaticism's falling towers
The recent acts o f terrorism should cause us t o rethink the current global agenda, writes Aidan Rankin.
Cover photography: AP Photos
48 The plane truth
cover story
Peter Bunyard examines the consequences o f an attack o n a nuclear power station.
50 A breath of fresh Aires
Sue Branford looks at a unique local economy working i n Buenos Aires.
51 Cage rage
Scottish sea cage farming is facing major problems, writes Don Staniford.
53 Self-imposed sanctions
India wants more market controls, no t fewer, i f i t is t o survive, explains Vandana Shiva.