Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Copy-cat war on drugs in Indonesia 8 Spain’s fearless cities 9 Copyright win for blind people 9 Introducing Lenin Moreno 9 Roșia Montana blowback in Romania 10 Malawi: neutralizing the killer in the kitchen 10 Pacifism in peril in Japan, again 11 The People versus Arctic Oil in Norway 11 China’s anthem tempo-tantrum PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and
Reasons to be Cheerful.
The Big Story – The Equality Effect
Contents Contents
Features 30 Lessons from the thirst economy Water shortages are routine in India.
Fiona Broom on citizens caught between climate change and profiteers. 34 To reach a place of safety Ana Palacios’ photo story of hope for trafficked children in Togo and Benin.
Opinion 33 Mark Engler Trump and the politics of impeachment 43 Kate Smurthwaite The cult of insecurity PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
Mixed media
38 Film reviews The pick of the documentaries from the Toronto Hot Docs festival. 40 Book reviews I Was Told to Come Alone by
Souad Mekhennet; Trans Like Me by CN Lester; We: Reviving Social Hope by Ronald Aronson. 41 Music reviews Kin Sonic by Jupiter & Okwess;
Salone by Kondi Band.
l k e r S t r a e t e r
I l l u s t r a t i o n b y Vo
12 The Equality Effect Danny Dorling begins his series of articles by presenting the evidence that greater equality benefits everyone, rich and poor – and argues that it can offer us all political hope. 18 When we were more equal A few fragments from the surprising history of equality – from the pointlessness of the Pyramids to the Roman Empire’s disastrous impact on health, with cartoons by Ella Furness. 20 The rich, the poor and the earth Surprising new data shows that equality is not only good for health and happiness but also for the environment. 24 Firing up the change Danny Dorling charts some possible ways forward,
including a basic income scheme and/or a maximum wage, but also argues that we must learn from the countries that have not taken the road to inequality.
Regulars 6 Letters PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Ramsés Morales from Cuba. 7 Letter from Cochabamba Amy Booth on a festival for a man called Pablo. 28 Country Profile: Afghanistan 42 Making Waves Indian land rights activist Prafulla Samantara talks to
Veronique Mistiaen. 44 Southern Exposure Shuchi Kapoor photographs a playful moment for an Indian girl who values the ordinary life. 45 Puzzle page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Malian musician Fatoumata Diawara talks to Megan
Iacobini di Fazio.
Coming next month:
Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Ian Nixon.
All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
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