An investment that’s just your cup of tea
For people. For planet. For profit. “The impact of Oikocredit on many of the 65,000 people who live on our company’s tea estates is tremendous. As well as social benefits, there are ecological improvements because we farm sustainably.” Sanjay Bansal, Chairman and Managing Director, Ambootia
Tea workers in India are often dependent on plantation owners for housing, social care and wages. All too often lives are greatly affected if estates fail or are abandoned. International social impact investor, Oikocredit invests in Ambootia who acquire struggling tea estates in India. They apply organic and biodynamic farming techniques, and transform the lives of their workers – providing them with secure livelihoods, fair wages and help with housing, food, clothing, education and medical treatment. Established in 1975, Oikocredit invests over €1 billion per annum in more than 800 social enterprise partners (like Ambootia) across Africa, Asia, Latin America and Central & Eastern Europe. We prioritise inclusive finance, smallholder agriculture and affordable, renewable energy sectors to reach the most financially-disempowered communities in the world so that they can build and sustain their own livelihoods. Oikocredit’s activities, and related social impact monitoring, also connect with many of the United Nation’s 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to reach by 2030. The investment opportunity for both institutions and individuals in the UK and Ireland is via depository receipts in the Oikocredit International Share Foundation (OISF), which have delivered a 2% gross return, each year, every year since 2000*. There is no fixed notice period for redemption, no annual management charge, and investors have always had their capital repaid. The minimum investment is £150 (or €200), there is no maximum. Conditions apply, your investment is at risk. It is not covered by a Financial Compensation Scheme and is potentially illiquid. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and repayment of your investment is not guaranteed. Oikocredit have the right to postpone redemptions for up to 5 years. If you are in doubt about the suitability of this investment, please contact a financial expert. *Taken from Annual Reports & Accounts.
Ambootia tea farmer, India. Photography: Opmeer Reports. | 0208 785 5526 Find out more and download our prospectus
This advertisement was produced by the Oikocredit International Share Foundation (OISF) and has been approved by Wrigleys Solicitors LLP who are authorised and regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority). The OISF prospectus is approved by the AFM (Autoriteit Financiele Markten), the regulatory authority for financial services in the Netherlands. The AFM has notified the FCA of the prospectus.