T h e fA b R i c o f youR L i f e school of textiles 2017

couRses And woRkshops in London t h e Fa b r i C o F Your l i F e

HOsted events 2017

workshops, talks and tours around the uk pAinTed cALico Sarah Campbell, 1 July Lines of ThoughT Michael Brennand-Wood, 22 July at the Crossroads a panel discussion, 30 June F i eld to FabriC with Susie Gillespie, 3-7 July sTiTched gRAffiTi Tilleke Schwarz, 29-30 July pApeR scuLpTuRe Jennifer Collier, 5 August bloCk printing with Tobias and the Angel, 11 July an evening with Anta, 19 august

TApesTRy weAving Fiona Rutherford, 9 September

Nordic Tam with Marie Wallin, 7 October

MeMorY Quilts with Natasha Kerr, 9 September Walking the tightrope a discussion, 20 September coNsTrucTed TexTiles Alison Willoughby, 21 October

GardeN Birds Mandy Pattullo, 28 October

162 ARchwAy RoAd, London, n6 5bb www.seLvedge.oRg mAke ouR s ToR i e s pA RT o f youR s ToRy selvedge on wool with Polly Leonard, 13 october MaY Morris exhibition a private view 19 october various venues please see website www.selvedge.org

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