Agenda Stories making the news this month   8 Colombians put stoppers on mammoth goldmine   8 US migrants show their power   9 Feminist folk in China   9 Introducing Carrie Lam   9 Citizenship win for Makonde people in Kenya 10 Subverting the City worldwide 10 Italians obstruct ‘Europe’s Keystone’ pipeline in Puglia 11 Nigeria court action over Saro-Wiwa memorial 11 Child brings climate law suit against Indian government PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and

Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Homelessness l a m y S t o c k P h o t o i c k B e e r/A


12 Finding home With house prices and rents soaring, Wayne Ellwood,

searches for a remedy to homelessness. 16 Breaking the cycle Sian Griffiths reports on a practical movement and joined-

up thinking. 18 Homelessness – The Facts 20 ‘Smart City’ plan stumbles over slums India’s $15 billion grand project is already in trouble.

Nimisha Jaiswal investigates. 22 Homeless voices Personal stories from the Philippines, Britain, Mexico and the US. 24 Escape to the street Catherine Yeomans on how to tackle youth homelessness. 26 Raising the roof A round-up of inspired ideas and practices.

Contents Contents

Features 30 Nigeria dares to hope The battle against polio is also one against violence and mistrust. Laura Jiménez Varo investigates. 34 Shifting sands Rob Harbinson meets those tackling Cambodia’s corrupt and scandalous sand-dredging business.

Opinion 33 Mark Engler The right way to rewrite NAFTA 37 Steve Parry Capitalism: the theme park PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

i l a n o v a i c a r d o G a r c i a V


Mixed media 38 Film reviews Machines, directed by Rahul Jain; The Other Side of Hope,

directed by Aki Kaurismäki. 39 Music reviews Rûwâhîne by Ifriqiyya Electrique, The Underside of Power by Algiers. 40 Book reviews Sorry to Disrupt the Peace by Patty Yumi Cottrell; Roots,

Radicals and Rockers by Billy Bragg; Breaking Sudan by Jok Maduk Jok; The Island that Disappeared by Tom Feiling. PLUS: Also out there…

Regulars   6 Letters Fitting return to West Papua; information pathway; deflating xenophobes.   7 Letter from Cochabamba Amy Booth on lake dwellers in a time of climate change 28 Country Profile: Algeria 42 Making Waves Brave Congolese conservationist Rodrigue

Magaruka Katembo talks to Veronique Mistiaen. 43 Southern Exposure

Chandan Robert Rebeiro captures a budding Bangladeshi photographer. 44 Worldbeaters: The Kim Family Kim Jong-un’s headline-grabbing aggressive irrationalism takes some beating (though he might have met his match in recent times...) 45 Puzzle page

PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Author Mohsin Hamid talks to Graeme Green.

Coming Soon: Equality • Education

Front cover photos under a CC Licence, left to right, top to bottom: SLR Jester, Sasha Fujin,

Mission Australia, Adnan Islam, G Rowan, John Ramspott, Bride of Frankenstein, Franco

Folini, Santhosh Rajang, Sefi Griever, Mike Kniec.

Magazine designed by Ian Nixon and Juha Sorsa.

All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

N ew I nt er nat io nal ist ● June 2017 ● 5