Visual arts William Vaughan, Romanticism and Art (London: Thames and Hudson 1994) William Vaughan, The Romantic Spirit in German Art 1790-1 990 (London: Thames and Hudson 1994}

Women's studies Meena Alexander, Women in Romanticism (London : Macmillan, 1989) Margaret Homans, Bearing the Word. Language and Female Experience in Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing (Chicago: University of Chicago Press , 1986) Anne K. Mellor (ed.), Romanticism and Feminism (B loomington: Indiana University Press, 1988)

Political, historical and cultural contexts Marilyn Butler, Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries: English Literature and its Background 1760-1830 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981) Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Revolution, 1789-1848 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson , 1975) Simon Schama, Landscape and Memory(London: HarperCollins 1995) David Simpson, Romanticism, Nationalism and the Revolt Against Theory (London and New York: Routledge, 1992) E.P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (1963; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991) Raymond Williams, Culture and Society 1780- 1850 (1958; New York: Columbia University Press, 1983)

Author's Acknowledgements I am particularly indebted to Richard Appignanesi for his inspired editing, and I would also like to thank the following for their advice and encouragement: Toby Clark, Simon Flynn, Ann Harrison-Broninski, Alison Heath, Chris Horrocks, R6isfn Leggett and Michael Venman.

I would like to dedicate this book to my father, and to the memory of my mother.

Artist's Acknowledgements Many thanks to Richard Appignanesi and Duncan Heath, Ed Bright, Simon Flynn, Mick Gowar, Gaye Lockwood, Pam Smy and especially Martin Salisbury for all their help and support.

Typesetting by Wayzgoose

Duncan Heath studied English Literature at Oxford University, and now works as a writer and editor for a publishing company.

Judy Boreham recently graduated from the Royal College of Art, and is working as a freelance illustrator in Cambridge.