
Absolute, the 11

AIDS 163-5

Althusser, Louis 23, 89

archaeology 64

in Morocco 82

in Paris 92

studies philosophy 9

in Sweden 30

in Tokyo 100, 136

in Vincennes 92-4

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 17

modernity 143

Nietzsche, Friedrich 60-2

non-discursive formations


Archaeology of Knowledge, who is he? 3-6

The 85, 91

Freud, Sigmund 46, 61 PCF 23

Panopticon 118

Barraque, Jean 29

Barthes, Roland 59

Bataille, Georges 58

Garaudy, Roger 50

Geertz, Clifford 170

genealogy 97, 98

Baudelaire, Charles 143 GIP 104-7

Baudrillard, Jean 131

Being 16

Guibert, Herve 166

phenomenology 17

philosophy 9,. 22

political self, the 157

power103, 105, 120

prisons 104, 106, 115-20

psychology 25-7

Bentham, Jeremy 118 Habermas, Jurgen 144 Psychology from 1850 to Birth of the Clinic, The 52 Hegel, G.W.F. 11, 12-13 1950 27 body, the 158--61 Heidegger, Martin 16 punishment 111 - 21

Care of the Self, The 153 history

Chomsky, Noam 102

of experience 22

and genealogy 98

Order of Things, The 63, 77

reality 11

classical period 68-71 History of Madness, The 35 reason 11, 13, 169 confinement 42-7 History of Sexuality, The Canguilhem, Georges 20 and madness 38 123, 145, 153 representation 68-71 consciousness 17 homosexuality 15, 109, Cuvier, Georges 73 129, 149-51 Riviere, Pierre 110

death 58

Husserl, Edmund 17

Sartre, Jean-Paul 16, 48

Defert, Daniel 35, 165 Hyppolite, Jean 10, 12, 95 science 6, 18-21, 76 Derrida, Jacques 49, 100 illness 28 self, the 57-8 Descartes, Rene 49 image and text 80 sex 158--63 Discipline and Punish sexuality 123-34, 145-52 interpretation 61, 63 Foucault 15 111, 121 Iran 138 see also homosexuality discourse 86-9, 96 dreams 26, 155 Kant, Immanuel 36, 142 Socialism 140

Klee, Paul 80

soul see spirit

Enlightenment, the 142 Knobelspiess, Roger 139 spirit 11, 161 ENS, the 9-10, 14 knowledge 18, 62, 77, 96, Stalinism 23 episteme 65, 67, 68-9, 72, 120 structuralism 30, 54, 90


epistemology 18

existentialism 16

Kojeve, Alexandre 12

Kuhn, Thomas 19, 65

subjectification, Foucault on 6

Surrealism 81

experience 17, 21-2

Lacan, Jacques 25

transdiscursive 5

language 51, 54, 63, 70, 74

Fascism, Spain 122

Lapassade, Georges 83 truth 19, 62, 96, 168-9

Foucault in America 132-3, 141 madness 32, 38-47

unreason see reason arrested 94, 108

background 6-10

born 7

criticized 167- 8

dies 164

drugs 132

father dies 35

in Hamburg 34

homosexuality 15

mental illness of 14

see also illness

Verdeaux, Jacqueline 26

Madness and Civilization 37 Veyne, Paul29

Magritte, Rene 79, 81

Manet, Edouard 82

Marx, Karl 28, 61

medicine 52-7

words 66-7

see also language;

image and text

Medicine of Species 55, 59 World War 119

mental illness see illness

Mental Illness and

Zen 136

Psychology 27