NEW INTERNATIONALIST The New Internationalist workers’ co-operative exists to report on the issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and powerless worldwide; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary to meet the basic needs of all; and to bring to life the people, the ideas and the action in the f ight for global justice. The New Internationalist magazine was founded by Peter and Lesley Adamson in 1970. Together with a range of other publications it is published by New Internationalist Publications Ltd which is wholly owned by the New Internationalist Trust and co-operatively managed: Accounts: Samuel Gormley. Advertising: Michael York. Design: Andrew Kokotka, Ian Nixon, Juha Sorsa. Editorial (Magazine): Vanessa Baird, Dinyar Godrej, Jo Lateu, Hazel Healy, Chris Spannos, Jamie Kelsey-Fry, Alessio Perrone. Editorial (Publications): Chris Brazier. Mail Order: Bev Dawes, Emma Dunkley, James Rowland. Marketing (Magazine): Amanda Synnott, Rob Norman, Jaimie Poyner. North American Publisher: Ian McKelvie. Marketing (Publications): Dan Raymond-Barker, Natalie Taylor. Production: Fran Harvey. Web and IT: Charlie Harvey. SUBSCRIPTIONS Website: Email: Phone: +44 (0) 1604 251 046 Phone (from Ireland): CallSave 1850 924 331 Fax: +44 (0)1604 251031 Post: New Internationalist, 3 Queensbridge, The Lakes, Northampton, NN4 7BF, UK . ANNUAL PRINT SUBSCRIPTION PRICES UK: £45.85; Institutions £70. Rest of World: Individuals £49.85/�59.85. Institutions £90. Despatch by air only. Subscribers in Canada, US, Australia and New Zealand should contact their local subscriptions office whose addresses can be found at UK OFFICE New Internationalist, The Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JE. Tel: +44 (0)1865 403345; Fax: +44 (0)1865 403346; Email: Advertising (magazine & web): Michael York 01865 403339 Contract enquiries: Web queries: Permissions & general enquiries: 01865 403345 News trade distributor: COMAG Specialist Division, Tavistock Works, Tavistock Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7QX, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1895 433800. Fax: +44 (0)1895 433801. The New Internationalist is published monthly except that the Jan/Feb and July/Aug issues are combined.


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Editor’s letter

African Village

Compelled by a news agenda with the attention span of a flea, it is rare enough for journalists to return to stories they have previously covered. But to return to the same African village community every 10 years, as I have since 1985, is more unusual still – especially when there is no ‘news value’ to the story and when the individuals featured are ‘unknown’. I regard this longterm project in Burkina Faso as probably my most significant journalistic achievement in what is now quite a long career – and the New Internationalist’s readiness to publish it perhaps indicates what sets it apart as a magazine.

In 17 pages there is only so much you can show, of course. And for that reason we have made much more use than usual of the extra resources and infinite space that our website affords us. We have created an internet hub that offers many more ‘Then and Now’ photographs than we have been able to include here on the printed page, more detail on particular stories as they developed, as well as a few short video clips. Please do take up our invitation to delve deeper by going to

We’re also pleased to announce that our web documentary on life after Ebola was highly commended at the AIB broadcasting awards last year. You can still catch it here:

Finally, with the March edition under way – our 500th – we are working hard behind the scenes on perhaps our most ambitious plan in 44 years of publishing at New Internationalist – a community share issue that will give you the opportunity to co-own us. More on this from Helen, below. n ris brazier for the New Internationalist Co-operative

This month’s contributors include:

Mira Galanova is a freelance multimedia journalist specializing in international affairs and human rights. Currently based in Latin America, she has previously written about the quest for justice for the victims of Spain’s dictatorship.

Iris Gonzales is a Manilabased journalist. She covers the economy and writes about development and humanitarian issues for New Internationalist. Some of her stories may be read at

Alex Masi is an Italian photojournalist engaged in documenting and exposing issues of human-made injustice. His images have been widely published and exhibited internationally and he has won numerous prizes, including the Picture of the Year International. facebook. com/alexmasiphotography

Chris Coltrane is a comedian, socialist, anti-austerity activist, and host of The Lolitics Podcast, where he and his favourite acts present fresh new political stand-up comedy.

We’re on the brink of something huge! In March we’re launching the biggest ever media community share offer and inviting you – our amazing readers – to become our co-owners. So, what’s a community share offer? It’s when a group of people who believe in something come together to make it happen. You buy community shares, but these are not the same as corporate shares – they’re not driven by profit. You invest in the world you want to live in and in return you become a co-owner of New Internationalist. This investment, underpinned by a robust business plan, will transform what we do and create an ethical and sustainable media business model for the 21st century. Want to find out more? Please register your interest online at:

Helen Wallis for New Internationalist Co-operative

New I nter nat io nal ist ● january/february 2017 ● 3