Contents Contents Contents
Cover Story – The coming war on China
N a v y
12 The coming war on China
The US is ramping up military power in the Pacific to confront China. This is provocative and dangerous, warns John Pilger in his alarming investigation. 18 Bikini was just the beginning John Pilger visits the Marshall Islands and its bomb survivors, still blighted by US nuclear weapons.
Special Feature – Tax avoidance 22 Tax cheating, easy living
Josh Eisen and Richard Swift tour the offshore world to find out why governments are drowning in debt. 26 The damage done Tax avoidance is anything but a victimless crime, as
Stephanie Boyd shows. 28 The dissimulation game
How to disappear your money but still manage to hold on to it. 30 Whose money is it anyway? Dan Hind explodes the self-righteous excuses of tax cheats. 32 Fox in charge of the hen house
Tax authorities are complicit in their own undoing, writes Alain Deneault. 34 The dictionary of deceit NI dissects the language of high finance with low motives. 36 Ending the offshore bonanza There are ways to change the irresponsible system of tax avoidance, as Niko Block demonstrates.
Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Freedom in sight for West Papua? 8 Slow justice in Peru 9 White cucumbers return to Palestine 9 Re-Introducing Ali Bongo Ondimba 9 British parents boycott school census 10 Indians and Pakistanis forge online friendship 10 Burma’s refugees still don’t feel safe 11 Cold comfort for Roma in France 11 Black-owned banking in the US
PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and Reasons to be Cheerful.
Front cover: Juha Sorsa. Magazine designed by Juha Sorsa and Ian Nixon. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Opinion 42 Mark Engler Acts of conscience on bended knee. 43 Kate Smurthwaite Sexism A and sexism B. PLUS Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
Mixed media 38 Film reviews Chi-Raq directed by Spike Lee; The Unknown Girl directed by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne. 39 Music reviews Out of My Own Light by Louise Bichan; Singles by Sun Ra. 40 Book reviews Land of my Fathers by Vamba Sherif; Creating Freedom by Raoul Martinez; Advertising shits in your head by Anonymous; Rebel Crossings by Sheila Rowbotham. PLUS Also out there…
Regulars 6 Letters PLUS Open Window, with guest cartoonist Tjeerd Royaards from The Netherlands. 7 Letter from Cochabamba Amy Booth finds her feet – and friends – in Bolivia. 20 Country Profile: South Sudan 44 Southern Exposure A sole story by Sucheta Das. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Singer and musician Moby talks to Graeme Green about fame, frustration and failing systems.
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