Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Ethiopian regime under pressure 8 Batting for integration in Britain 9 Decolonization of Chagos? 9 Introducing Marco Arana Zegarra 9 Creative chutzpah in Kashmir 10 Laos still living with unexploded US bombs 10 Bernie, before and after 11 India’s finger chats 11 CETA in the house PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and

Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – COLOMBIA

i l l e r m o L a g a r i a / A F P/ G e t t y

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12 Peace in Colombia? Hope and fear Another shock referendum result – this time in Colombia.

Tatiana Garavito assesses the chances of ending the longest conflict in the western world. 16 ‘No jeans or high heels for me’ Rebels talk about the big life changes they are facing.

A photo story from a FARC jungle hideout by Marielle van Uitert and Sytske Susie Jellema. 18 ‘We are slowly being killed by this mine’ Threats, pay-offs and skin defects. Daniel Macmillen

Voskoboynik investigates the activities of a massive BritishAustralian ferronickel complex. 21 ACTION on Colombia Campaign and support groups near you.

Features 22 For their own good Sophie Cousins reports on different approaches to tackling

Burma’s drug addiction crisis. 28 Essay Why a basic income could be a gift to the Right. By Nick


Front cover: Alexis, a rebel fighter, flashes the ‘peace’ sign while watching a live broadcast of the peace agreement between the government and FARC. Mario Tama/Getty Images Magazine designed by Juha Sorsa and Andrew Kokotka. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Contents Contents Contents

30 Matters of life and death Isabelle Gerretsen talks to doctors in the Netherlands –

where euthanasia is legal – about supporting patients who choose to die. 32 Blinded by ‘technology’ For all the fancy packaging, many of our gadgets use surprisingly old technologies that have nothing to do with capitalist success stories. Bob Hughes explains. 40 PrEPped to go? A new HIV preventive drug has sparked debate around the globe, as Amy Hall discovers.

Opinion 25 Mark Engler

Protectors vs pipelines. 43 Steve Parry Can rightwingers be funny?

PLUS Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Mixed media 36 Film reviews I, Daniel Blake, directed by Ken Loach; The Innocents,

directed by Anne Fontaine. 37 Music reviews Hologram Ĭmparatorluğu by Gaye Su Akyol; Radio

International by Kefaya. 38 Book reviews The Story of a Brief Marriage by Anuk Arudpragasam;

Talking To My Country by Stan Grant; The History Thieves by Ian Cobain; Trump Unveiled by John K Wilson; and Who is Hillary Clinton? by Katha Pollitt and Richard Kreitner. PLUS Also out there…

Regulars 6 Letters Trade unions’ moral vacuum; a checklist for the UN. PLUS Open Window, with guest cartoonist Osama Hajjaj from Jordan. 7 Letter from Mauritius The state of housing reflects the island’s inequality, discovers

Lindsey Collen. 26 Country Profile:

Venezuela 35 Making Waves: Charlie

Lowthian-Rickert Sian Griffiths meets a 10-year-old who is already a veteran transgender activist. 44 Southern Exposure A moment of concentration in Côte D’Ivoire by Arnaud Thierry Gouégnon. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Welsh musician and dancer Gwenno talks to Amy Hall about minority languages and musical challenges.

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Coming soon Tax havens � War on China

New Inter natio nal is t ● november 2016 ● 5