
Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Russia’s witch-hunt against Valentina Cherevatenko 8 Racism bites in Britain 9 Afghanistan’s rebel verse 9 Introducing Virginia Raggi 9 Grassroots growers in Venezuela 10 ‘Bright spots’ for Pacific reefs 10 Domestic slavery persists in India 11 Sun sets on Japanese media freedom 11 Top-ups for refugees in Europe PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and

Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Trade unions: rebuild, renew, resist

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12 Still standing or standing still? Jo Lateu considers the state of the unions, and argues that a revival has already begun. 15 We know what we’re against. But what are we for? Rob Lambert explains how one Global South alliance is developing a grassroots alternative to neoliberalism. 17 A migrant’s story Trade unions aren’t even on the radar of most of London’s poorly treated hospitality workers. But a union could help them find their voice, as Afrika explains. 18 Trade unions – the facts 20 ‘We need to be on the right side of history’ Danny Chivers talks to Anabella Rosemberg of the

International Trade Union Confederation about putting climate change on the labour movement’s agenda. 22 Taking matters into their own hands Labour rights in post-socialist countries such as Russia, China and Vietnam are being fought for from outside, not within, official trade unions. Tim Pringle reports. 24 The fight goes on… Workers’ struggles and successes from around the globe. 26 Out of the ashes of Rana Plaza The factory collapse in 2013 caused an international outcry – but have labour conditions improved? Thulsi Narayanasamy reports from Bangladesh.

Front cover: Ian Nixon Magazine designed by Ian Nixon and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Features 30 A long road to reconciliation Seven years after the end of the civil war, Jo Eckersley and Ashwin Hemmathagama assess Sri Lanka’s progress. 34 How not to build peace Louisa Waugh has seen UN peacekeeping in action, but wonders if there are better ways for it to meet its aims. 40 Welcoming the digital residents Estonia has found an innovative way to boost its population and its economy, discovers Haley Joelle Ott.

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Opinion 33 Mark Engler  #VetsVsHate – and Trump. 43 Kate Smurthwaite  Progress is not inevitable. PLUS Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Mixed media 36 Film reviews The Lovers and the Despot, directed and written by Ross

Adam and Robert Cannan; The Confession, directed by Ashish Ghadiali. 37 Music reviews NYN by Kristi Stassinopoulou and Stathis Kalyviotis; ‘They

Will Kill You, If You Cry’ by Khmer Rouge Survivors. 38 Book reviews Turkey: The Insane and the Melancholy by Ece

Temelkuran; The Seamstress and the Wind by César Aira; Remembering Akbar by Behrooz Ghamari; Irregular War by Paul Rogers. PLUS Also out there…

Regulars 6 Letters Walmart’s billions; measuring coasts; and off-putting language. PLUS Open Window, with guest cartoonist Sherif Arafa from Egypt. 7 Letter from Beirut There is a new hope and energy in the air, writes Reem

Haddad from Lebanon. 28 Country Profile: Uganda 42 Worldbeaters: Avigdor Lieberman Israel’s defence minister is a political chameleon and lightning rod for controversy, among other things. 44 Making Waves: Sakena Yacoobi Veronique Mistiaen meets Afghanistan’s ‘mother of education’. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Author Jay Griffiths talks to Graeme Green about depression, hiking and the politics of kindness.

Coming soon: Global fiction special • Colombia • Tax havens

New Inter nationalist ● September 2016 ● 5