Environmental Studies

A Directory of European Environmental Organizations



MIREILL E DEZIRO N AN D LEIG H BAILE Y Foreword by Carlo Ripa di Meana, EC Commissioner Thi s is a comprehensiv e director y o f agencie s withi n th e Europea n Communit y tha t ar e concerne d wit h th e environment . Oo31-18386 3 hardback £40.0 0 1991

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June 199 2

Human Exposure to Aflatoxins

UNEP / WORL D HEALT H ORGANIZATIO N Thi s repor t evaluate s th e curren t globa l situatio n o f aflatoxi n contaminatio n o f food s an d dietar y intake s includin g dat a a t port-of-entry . 0631-18403- 1 paperback £30.0 0 June 199 2

Urban Air Pollution in Mega-Cities of the World

UNEP / WORL D HEALT H ORGANIZATIO N Thi s authoritativ e repor t give s a comprehensiv e overvie w o f th e situatio n an d trend s in 2 0 megacitie s - citie s wit h ove r 1 0 millio n people . 0^631-18404-X paperback £40.0 0 June 1992

Radiation: Doses, Effects, Risks 1991 Edition Second Edition

UNE P 'Written for the knowledgeable non-specialist, the booklet is an outstanding contribution to the understanding of radiation. It is highly recommended for general distribution and for application in prec allege education/ Environmen t Internationa l 0631-18317- 5 paperback £10.9 5 1991

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7 It is a veritable mine of information...this volume is a valuable reference work/ Applie d Geograph y (o f th e Secon d Edition ) 0-631-18083-4 paperback £50.0 0 1991

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