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CONTENTS issue 295
(Vol.XXV, No.7) | October 2014 UP FRONT
Your comments, complaints, and compliments
Kirkhaugh craftsman; Neolithic conflict at Caerau;
Kirkhaugh craftsman; Neolithic conflict at Caerau; Binchester’s
Kirkhaugh craftsman; Neolithic conflict at Caerau; Binchester’s earl
Binchester’s early early earl Christian object; y Christian object; y
The Kirkhaugh craftsman; Neolithic conflict at Caerau; Binchester’s early Christian object; Jersey’s first Iron Age house; Two sides to Moray’s symbol stone story; The Ockham Hoard; The end of Silchester; Richard III’s royal progress; Northampton Museum loses accreditation
Exploring a burnt-mound landscape Excavations at a bog near Bamburgh have uncovered a complex wetland landscape with enigmatic mounds and timber platforms dating back to the Early Neolithic.
I s s u e
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O c t o b e r 2 0 1 4
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October 2014 Issue 295 | £4.30
October 2014 Issue 295 | £4.30
H o p p e n w o o d B a n k | B r o n z e A g e s e a f a ri n g | T h e R o m a n F e n l a n d | B ri t a i n’ s s e a s i d e p i e r s | Fi r s t
H o p p e n w o o d B a n k | B r o n z e A g e s e a f a ri n g | T h e R o m a n F e n l a n d | B ri t a i n’ s s e a s i d e p i e r s | Fi r s t
W o r l d
W o r l d
W a r h e ri t a g e
W a r h e ri t a g e
Saving seaside heritage
A promenade through the past A promenade through the past
A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the 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through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A promenade through the past A 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Burnt mounds: brewery or sauna?
Enigmatic finds from a Northumberland bog
001_CA295_Cover_FINAL_MESC.indd 1
Home Front legacy Britain and the First World War
Issue 295
20/08/2014 15:40
ON THE COVER Eastbourne Pier in flames, photographed 31 July 2014.
CREDIT: Rowan Stanfield
Seafaring Bronze Age-style What did Britain’s Bronze Age boats look like, and how did they handle on open water? We join an extraordinary archaeological experiment to find out.
Was the Roman Fenland an imperial estate? A decade of archaeological work over 62ha of Cambridgeshire fenland has shed vivid new light on the site’s occupation during the Roman period.
A promenade through the past July 2014 saw the 200th anniversary of the opening of Britain’s first leisure pier, but also a devastating fire at Eastbourne. We explore the evolution of these elegant constructions.
BRITAIN AT WAR, 1914-1918
The archaeology of the Home Front In the second of our three features marking the centenary of the First World War, we learn about the impact of the conflict on Britain’s physical and social landscape.
about the impact of the conflict on Britain’s physical and social landscape. about the impact of the conflict on Britain’s physical and social landscape. features marking the centenary of the First World War, we learn about the impact of the conflict on Britain’s physical and social landscape. about the impact of the conflict on Britain’s physical and social landscape.
Evoking imperial glory at Arbeia Roman Fort
Book reviews
The Lifers’Club;The History of Archaeology;The Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of Southern Britain; The Viking Ship
Museum review 54 Exploring Salisbury Museum’s new Wessex Gallery of Archaeology
Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues
Odd Socs
The International Guild of Knot Tyers
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October 2014 |