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August 2012 Issue 269 | £4.25
August 2012 Issue 269 | £4.25
Archaeology and the Bard www.archaeology.co.ukwww.archaeology.co.ukwww.archaeology.co.uk
C u r t a i n t h e a t r e |
S h a k e s p e a r e |
O l y m p i c
P a r k | I t t e r
C r e s c e n t v i l l a |
M e r t o n
P r i o r y c u r r e n t a r c h a e o l o g y
Raising the Curtain
Shakespeare’s theatre discovered Shakespeare’s Shakespeare’s theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered Shakespeare’s theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered theatre discovered
The first East Enders
10,000-year tale of stinky Stratford
Issue 269
Peterborough’s Peterborough’s Peterborough’s lost villa lost villa Peterborough’s lost villa Peterborough’s
Peterborough’s lost villa Trading roundhouses for luxury Roman living
Trading roundhouses for luxury Roman living