


Norwich front cover

Norwich: View over Norwich from tower of St Peter Mancroft church. Castle to the right, Cathedral to the left.

Photo: courtesy of the Norfolk

Archaeological Unit.

How Norwich began Recent excavations north ffi~[Illi~@~@@w of the river in Coslany reveal early quaysides.

Current Archaeology No. 170 Vo!. XV No 2 Published October 2000

Edited by Andrew and Wendy Selkirk

9 Nassington Road, London NW3 2TX Tel: 020 7435 7517

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The French Borough The Millennium site. How a fire at the Library led to a major excavation

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Current Archaeology

9 Nassington Road, London NW3 2TX Tel: 020 7435 7517. Fax: 020 7916 2405

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Printed in Great Britain by

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The Castle Mall

How the castle bailey became the




ANorfolkDiary,followed by John Musty - obituary, and High Street, Londinium

I books


Aileen Fox, A Landscape Revealed, Hadrian's Wall, Officers and Gentlemen, The

Stone of Destiny, and Rievaulx Abbey

