Contents Contents

Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Ca nada: silence of the sands 8 Up al l night in France 9 A ne w home for RefuTrees 9 Re introducing Aleksandar Vučić 9 Bl acklisted win in Britain 10 So uth Africans dying for justice 10 Be douin wings clipped 11 Ac tivist alarm at China’s foreign NGO law 11 ‘R ebel’ readers jailed in Angola PL US: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and

Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Internet titans l d / R e u t e r s i e t fi e

K a y N

12 Smiley-faced monopolists Th e trendy, friendly face of capitalism conceals an agenda that is ruthless and totalitarian. Vanessa Baird takes a look at the digital titans – Google, Facebook and Amazon – and their impact on democracy. 17 In ternet giants – THE FACTS 18 I sp y with my little algorithm Ev erybody wants your private data. Bruce Schneier on how surveillance has become the business model of the internet. 20 Can search engine rankings swing elections? Ro bert Epstein reveals how easily we can be manipulated by the likes of Google and Facebook. 23 No , Mr Zuckerberg In dians mobilized and did the unthinkable – said ‘no’ to

Facebook. Prabir Parkayastha gives an insider’s view. 25 He lping in two clicks Ma ny people are now sidestepping big charities and choosing to use digital technology to ‘give directly’. Amy Hall examines the implications. 27 Be ating the digital titans – ACTION

Features 30 Franco’s ghosts Th e dictator’s victims are still waiting to see their torturers on trial – and time is running out. By Mira Galanova. 32 The gathering storm Nit hin Coca reports on Malaysia’s slide towards authoritarianism. 40 ‘I w ill never give up my land’ Ro xana Olivera talks to Goldman Environment Prize winner

Máxima Acuña. P LUS Open Window, with guest cartoonist Payam Boromand.

Front cover: Steve Munday Magazine designed by Ian Nixon and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Opinion 35 Steve Parry

The pantomime plebiscite. PL US: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon. 42 Es say Bew are the slippery language of ‘sustainable branding’,

writes Dale Lately. 44 Ma rk Engler

Wh at’s not for sale in branded America?

Mixed media 36 Toronto HotDocs Film Festival special 38 Book reviews The Transmigration of Bodies by Yur i Herrera; Second-Hand

Time by Svetlana Alexievich; Dark Money by Jane Mayer. 39 Musi c reviews Ho pelessness by Anohni; Legend of Funaná by Bitori.

Regulars 6 Letters 7 Let ter from Bangui 28 Cou ntry Profile: the Bahamas 34 Southern Exposure Al ice Melike Ülgezer’s Kurdish body art photographed by

Sudeep Lingamneni. 45 Pu zzle Page PL US: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Yem eni street artist Murad Subay on using art to campaign and to commemorate.