July 1994 Volume 45 No 7
Founded by 1he Earl of Harewood Ediror 7953-86 Harold Rosemhal. OBE
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Advertising orders and copy to Jackson-Rudd & Associates (London North East) Ltd 2 Luke Street London EC2A 4NT Tel: 071-613 07 17 Fax: 071-6 13 J L08 A dver1ise111enr Manager Brian R. Hook
779 Prophet marginalized Rodney Milnes 783 Salvaging the 'Wreckers·
Ronald Crichton 786 Readers· Lette rs 787 Bernstein soundin gs Patrick J. Smith 789 Opera ewsdesk 792 Opening up the past A lan Bly1h 798 Kreizberg steps forward Hilary Finch 800 Yvonne Printemps-100 years of springtime Parrick O 'Connor 805 Opera Around the World: reports from America. Australia. Austria, Denmark. France. Germany. Italy. Monaco. Netherlands. orway. Slovenia. Switzerl and 823-841
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COMI G EVENTS SUPPLEMENT including plans for the new season at Welsh Ta tiana] Opera, Glyndebourne Touring Opera: Chicago. Dallas. DUsseldorf. Munich. Amsterdam; Festivals: 'We hear that ... ': Opera calendar home and abroad Opera books British Opera Diary: Opera Factory's ·Rake's Progress': 'Fedora· and ·Carmen' at Covent Garden: E o·s ·Cos1 fan tutte· and 'Peter Grimes·: ·Der Rosenkavalier' from WNO: ·Tristan und Isolde' at Scottish Opera Opera in concert Opera on disc Class ified advertisements
From cover: Ruggero Raimondi in the titl e role of ·Mose in Egitto· at Cov~nt Garden (photo: Catherine Ashmore)