JUNE 1981

Vol 32 No 6

Founded by the Earl of Harewood

Editor Associate Editors Editorial Board

Personal Assistant to the Editor Editorial Offices

HAROLD ROSENTHAL Alan Blyth, Rodney Milnes Elizabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacobs, Max Leppert, William Mann, Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack

Deidre Tilley 6 Woodland Rise, London N JO 3UH

What some singers think People : 125

Bernard Haitink by A lan Blyth English Opera Criticism in t he Interwar Years:

I. 'Figaro' of 'Musical Opinion' by John Steane In the News Opera as Theatre - A conversation between Colin Graham and Harold Rosenthal

Part 2: N uts and bolts



568 574




Readers' Letters


Stockhausen's 'Thursday' by Dominic Gill


Our Critics Abroad: Reports from France, America, Australia, Austria, and Germany 589 COMING EVENTS-SUPPLEMENT Including plans for Covent Garden Mozart Festival, Opera North, Welsh National Opera, New York City Opera, San Francisco, Bonn, Cologne, Stuttgart, Festivals 1981; 'We hear that . .. '; Opera Calendar 593-606 New Records 607 British Opera Diary including reviews of Camden Festival performances; ENO in Nottingham and London; 'L'elisir d'amore' and 'Lohengrin' at Covent Garden 632 In Concert 646 Student Performances 647 Classified Advertisements 656

Front cover: Bernard Haitink, the subject of this month's 'People'