~'Great Recordings of the Century~~

Ti ca great singers whose fam e is immortalised in these L.P. records.

CHALIAPIN Extracts from 'Boris Godounov'

Coronation Scene (Prologue)

( RECORDED 1925)

I have attained the highest power; Ah! I am suffocating! (RECORDED 193 r). Farewell, Prayer and D eath of Boris

(RECORDED JULY 4th , 19 2 8 at an act11al performance at Coi·ent Garde11).

Arias from Russian Opera

Russian & Ludmilla : Farlaf's Rondo ; Russalka : The Miller's Aria; :\/f ad -Scene &

Death of the i\liller ; Prince Igor: Khan Kontchak's Aria ; Sadko: Song of the Yi king Guest

(RECORDED I'.'," 1927 & 1931).



Arias from Italian Opera

La Sonnambula- Bellini:

Ah non credea mirarti;

~ orma- Bellini: Casta di\'3; II T t0vato re - Verdi: T acea la notte placida ; L a Tra,·iata- r ·erdi : Addio del passato; La Forza del Destino- f'erdi:

Pace, pace, mio d10;

Mefistofele - Boito L 'altra notte

( RECORDED 1935)

L..ava11ena rusttcana- _\11ascagni:

Voi lo sapete;

La B0heme -Pucci11i: Si, mi chiamano Mimi: Donde lieta usci; Tosca-P11cci11i: Vissi d'arte; Andrea Chenier - Giordano:

La n1an1ma n1orta;

L ' rlesiana- Cilea : Esser mad re e un inferno;

Adriana Lecou\Teur- Cilea: Po,·eri fi ori

(RECORDED 193+ A:-;D 193 5 )


![ '° H I O! Ill t ~ Of JI[ i III QPl!O n CQ. Ltl.

REGO !R IO!: M!ll( Of COL~ 'l!Sll G!n~~P~l),t CIJ LTD.

Each record is upplied in a distincti,·e blue and go ld presentation case together \\·ith an authoritari,·e musical ana!ysi , and biographical and historical notes . • rnilable )1arch 7th .

E.:\!. r. RECORD LTD • 8 -r r GREAT C ASTLE T REE T • LO:s;oo:-. · w. r.

Kindly m ention OPERA w hen co111mu11ica1ing with adverrisers