March 1979
Vol 30 No 3
Founded by the Earl of Hare\\'ood
Associate Editors Alan Blyth, Rodney Milnes Editorial Board Elizabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacobs, Max Loppen,
William Mann, Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter, Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack
Personal Assistant to the Editor Deidre Tilley Editorial Offices: 6 Woodland Rise, London NIO JUH
Great Recording of a Great Opera byLHarold Rosenthal 209 Jn the ews 212 People: JJ 8
Renato Bru on by Giorgio C11alerzi
Opera on the Gramophone: 46 ·Eugene Onegin' Part 2 by Alan Blyth n Operatic (bus) conductor by Murray Leslie
Our Critics Abroad: Reports from Finland, America, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy 226 COM LNG EVENTS- S PPLEME T including plans for Covent Garden, English ational Opera, Bo ton, San Diego, Santa Fe, Catania, Glyndebourne, and Verona; ·we hear that . . .', Opera Calendar Gramophone Records Brief Chronicles Obituary London Opera Diary: including reviews of 'The Adventures of Mr Broucek· and ·The Marriage of Figaro' at the Coliseum, and ·Salome' and ·Don Pasquale' at Covent Garden ln Leeds In Scotland In Wales School Performance Book Review Reader's Letter Classified Advertisements
251 268 270
271 280 281 282 286 287 288 295
Front cover: lleana Cotrubas as Torina and Geraint Evans as Don Pasquale at Covent Garden