March 1997 Volume 48 No 3

Ediw r Rodney Milnes Associa1e Edi1or Max Loppert Assis/C/111 Edi1or John A llison A d111i11is1ra1or Alice Lindsay Ediw rial Board Alan Blyth Hugh Canning Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman

1oel Goodwin Charles Osborne Andrew Porter John Warrack

Edirorial Offices la Mountgrove Road London 5 2LU Telephone: 0171-359 1037 Fax: 0171-354 2700

Advertising o rders and copy to Jackson-Rudd & Associates (London North East) Ltd 2 Luke St reet London EC2A 4NT Tel: 0171-6 13 0717 Fax: 0171-613 1108 Advertisemem Manager Brian R. Hook

Founded by 1he Earl of Hare1vood Edi1or 1953-86 Harold Rosen1/wl, OBE


265 Bigger than both of us

Rodney Miln es 272 Opera Newsdesk 275 People 227: Michael Chance

Richard Fairman 282 Readers' Letters 283 Obituary 284 Opera Around the World: reports from America, Argentina, Australia. Brazil, Canada. Chil e. France. Germany. Israel, Italy, Macau. Mexico, Poland. Sweden 305-316 COMING EVE 1TS S PPLEME1 T

including plans for UK houses: Chicago, Cape Town. Dresden. Glyndebourne, Munich: ·We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad 317 Opera books 342 British Opera Diary: ·Cherubin' at

Covent Garden: Opera orth's new 'Falstaff and revival of ·Gloriana': 'La Boheme' at Scottish Opera 351 Opera on the fringe 353 Opera in concert 355 At the musical 357 Opera on disc 366 Classified advertisements

Fron! Cover: The London Coliseum (Photo: Tim Flach)