March 2000 Volume 51 No 3

Edilor Jof1n Allison Marketing Direclor Alice Lin !say Edirorial Board Martin Bemheimer Alan Blyth Hugh Canning Andrew Clark Andrew Clement Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks Rodney Mi I ne (Chairman) Roger Parker Andrew Po,-ter

Edi1orial Offices I a Mounlgrove Road London N5 2LU Telephone: 020 7359 I 037 Fax: 020 7354 2700 e-111ai I: u k WEBSTTE:

Advertising orders and copy to Catherine Hawkins Cabbell Publishing Ltd 31 Hartfield Crescent London SW 19 3SG Tel: 020 8395 3808 Fax: 020 8395 3999

Fron! Cover: Renee Fleming in 'Der Rosenkavalier' at the Met (photo: Winnie Klotz)

Founded by rhe Earl of Harewood


Pas! Edirors Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes pera 265 266

274 276




Bow St blue By the Editor Pe ple 260: Renee Fleming Rupert Christian. en. Readers' Letters Dear Mr Kai er ... An open letter from David Cummings English as she is sung Peter Moores talks to Rodney Milnes Back to the future John Willett on Weill, music and theatre Baroque in a balmy climate Erica lea/ on Palermo' Scarlatti initiative 289 Opera New desk 291 293


325 362

370 373 374 379

Obituary Opera Around the World: r port from America, Arg ntina, Austria, Belgium, Canada Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherland , New Zealand, Ru sia, Switzerland COMI G EVE T SUPPLEMENT including plans for the UK hou es; Chicago, San Franci co, Melbourne, Monte-Carlo; Festivals; 'We hear that. .. '; Opera calendar home and abroad Opera on di c Briti h Opera Diary: 'Gawain' at Covent Garden; Scottish Opera's 'Figaro'; 'A Midsummer ight's Dream' in Leed ; 'Aida' at the Barbican Opera on the fringe Opera on television Opera in view Alan Blyth '.s round-up Opera book 383 Cla sified advertisements 384 I can't live without. .. 'Die

Meistersinger' Peter Alward