May 1978
Vol 29 No 5
Founded by the Earl of Harewood
Associate Editors Alan Blyth, Rodney Milnes Editorial Board Elizabeth forbes, Arthur Jacobs, William Mann,
Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter, Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack
Personal Assistant to the Editor Deidre Tilley Editorial Offices: 6 Woodland Rise, London NJO 3UH
Opera for Whom? by th e Editor
In the News
The Karaj a n T nterview - Part l
Verdi's Foscari Return by Harold Rosenthal
Our Critics Abroad : Reports fro m Switzerland , America, Australia, France, Germany (DDR), Germany (West), Greece, Italy 460
COMING EVENTS - SUPPLEMENT including plans for Covent Garden, Scottish and Welsh companies; Metropolitan, ew York , Chicago , San Francisco, Pari s, Monte Car lo; 'We hear that .. .'; Opera Calendar 477- 490 Gramophone Records 490 London Opera Diary: in cluding rev iews of 'ld omeneo ' and 'II tro va to re ' a t Covent Garden ; and 'The Force of Destiny' at the Co li seum 504 In Sco tland 512 In Wales 514 In Kent 516 Student Per fo rma nces 51 8 Readers' Letters 527 Cla ss ified ad ve rti sements 535
Front cover: Herbert vo n Karajan rehearsing Mirella Freni m 'Don Ca rl os' at Salzburg