Founded by 1he Earl of Harewood Edi!Or 1953-86 Harold Rosen1hal, QBE
May 1989 Vol 40 No 5
Rodney Milnes Max Loppert
Alan Bl yth, Hugh Canning, Andrew Clements, Elizabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacob s, William Mann, Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter,
Desmond Shawe-Ta ylor, John Warrack oel Goodwin Richard Fairman
Deidre Tilley fa Moun/gro ve Road, London N5 2LU Telephone: 01-359 1037 FAX: 01-354 2700
Editor Associate Editor Editorial Board
O verseas News Editor AssisĀ£anĀ£ Editor Administrati ve Director Editorial Offices
What for ? by The Editor 52 7
Children of nature by Rodney Milnes 528
Readers' Lett ers 532
Suga ring the pill: Weill on Broadway by John Mauceri 536
A glorious conc lu sion by Alan Bly th 544
In the News 547
Cai rns's 'Berlioz' by Ronald Crichton 550 People 15 8: Roger orrington by Alan Bly th 552
Our Cri ti cs Abroad: report s from America , Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Canada, German y, Hungary, Israe l, It aly, Monaco,
Netherlands 55 7
including plans for the new seaso n a t the Roya l Opera House, London Co li seu m and Metropolitan Opera, ew York; Festivals ;
'We hear that .. .'
Briti sh Opera Diary, including reviews of W O's 'Seraglio' and trave lling 'Traviata'; 'The Turn of the Screw ' and 'Don Giova nni ' a t the Coliseum; Sconish Opera's 'Oedipus Rex'; 'Don
Carlos' at Covent Garden; Zarzue la at Sadler's Wells
Fringe Performances Student Performan ces
In Concert On Tele vision Record Reviews
Book Reviews Classified Advertisements
605 618 621 625 626 627 631 639-40
Front cover: Susanne Mentzer and Andreas Schmidt as Dorabella and Guglielmo in the new production of 'Cosi fan t utte' at
Covent Garden (photo: Richard H. Smith)