Bregenz Festival
July 21s t -August 21s t 1989 Art is ti c Director: A(fred Wopmann
The Flying Dutchman Romantic opera in three acts by Richard Wagner - sung in German Conductor: UU'S chirmerl Wo(fgang Rot - Production : David Pountn ey
S cene,y : St r:f'anos Lazaridis - Light De ign : Da vid Cunningham
Vi enna Symphony Orchestra with: Rebecca Blankenship, Luana DeVol, Anna Gonda, Linda Pi ech/
Donald Geo ,ge, Robert Hale, Phillip Joi/, Wo/f'gang S chmidt,
Hans Tschammer a. o.
Samson et Dalila Opera in three acts by Camille Saint-Saens - sung in French
R epeat of St even Pimlorr 's success,/ iil produ cti on
Conductor: Jan Latham-Koenig S cene,y : Tom Ca i rns/ Light -Design: Da vid Cunningham
Ch oreography: A lerta Collin s Vi enna Symphony Orchestra with : Ma ,jana Lipovsek, Carlo Coss urra, Philipp e Roui /l on a. o.
1 st Orchestral Concert Conductor: Pinchas St einbe1g/ Vi enna Symphony Orch es t ra (3 1. 7.)
2nd Orchestral Concert Conductor: Rafael Fruhb eck de Bu,gosl Vi enna Symphony Orchestra (7. 8.)
3rd Orchestral Concert Conductor: Eri ch Berge/ I Vi enna Symphony Orchestra (J O. 8.)
4th Orchestral Concert Conductor: Ivan Fischer / Budap est Fes ti val Orchestra (2 1. 8.)
Dramas I Castle-Concerts in Hohenems I Serenades I Chamber Music Evenings
Week tor Children and Youths
! 11/inma1io11 and sea , rese1va 1io 11 : Brege 11:er Fes1spiele, P. 0. Box JI I . A-61.JO! Brege11:
Pho11eji'o111 £11gla11d: 0043 /55 74/2 28 /I -O, le /ex 575JCJ