May 1995 Volume 46 No 5

Ediror Rodnev Milnes Associme Ediror Max Loppert Assisro11r Ediror John Allison Ad111i11is1raror li ce Lindsav Ediroriol Boord Alan Blvth Hugh Canning Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman Elizabe th Forbes Noel Goodwin Arthur Jacobs Charl es Osborne Andrew Porter Desmond Shawe-Tavlor John Warrack

Editorial Offices l a Mountgrove Road London 5 2LU Telephone: 0171-359 I 037 Fax: 0171 -354 2700

Advertising orders and copy to Jackson-Ruck! & Associates (London North East) Ltd 2 Lu ke Street London EC2A -INT Tel: 0171-613 07 17 Fax: 0 I 71-613 I I 08 Ad1·errise111e111 Mo11oger Brian R. Hook

Fronr Corer: Anja Silja. Catherine Malfitano and Kenneth Riegel in Solo111e at Covent Garden (Photo: Catherine Ashmore)

Founded bv 1/, e Earl of f-l ore1vood Ediror 1953-86 Harold Rose111hal. OBE


505 A ·Salome· of bare essenti als

Roben Henderson 510 Readers· Letters 51 1 People 209: Jane Eaglen f-filar v Finch 517 Opera ewsdesk 519 Opera on the gramophone:

The stage works of Weil l Rodney Miln es 527 Lisa Della Casa-the search for perfection Eli-;,abeth Forbes 533 Obituary 534 Opera Around the World: reports from America. Aust ri a. Denmark. France. Germany. Ire land . Ita ly. Monaco. 1e the rl ands. 1 orway. S,vitze rl and 553-68 COt\11\G EVE\TS SL.PPLEi\lENT

including pl ans for the UK houses. Houston. 1 ew York. Geneva: Fes ti vals: ·We hea r th at .. .': Opera calendar home and abroad 590 British Opera Diary: E O's ·Don

Giovanni· and ·Cunning Little Vixen·: Covent Garden·s ·Rosenkava li er': English Touring Opera·s ·Barber of Seville·: ·The Marriage of Figaro· from WNO: Opera Northern lr land·s ·Elisir cl· a more· 600 Opera on the fringe 603 Opera at the colleges 606 Opera in concert 610 Opera on te levisio n 612 Opera on video 6 14 Opera books 617 Opera on disc 624 Classified advertisements