May2002 Volume 53 No 5

Editor John Alli on Marketing Director Alice Lindsay As istant Editor Erica Jeal Sub criptions Manager Angela Kipling

Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer Alan Blyth Hugh Canning Rupert Chri tian en Andrew Clark Andrew lement Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks Rodney Milne (Chairman) Roger Parker Andrew Porter

Editorial Offices 36 Black Lion Lane L ndon W6 9BE Teleph ne: 020 563 8893

ax: 020 8563 8635 e-mail: edit r Web ite: http://www. dvertising orders and copy to Jane Stoggle abbell Publi hingLtd Woodman Work 204 Durn ford Road London SW 19 8DR Tel: 020 8971 8450 Fax: 020 97 I 480

Front cover: Juan Diego Fl6rez a I vino in La sonnambu/a at Covent Garden (ph to: Bi 11 ooper)

era Fo1111ded by the Earl of Harewood

Past Editors Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes

523 'Ex Africa ... '

By the Editor 524 Reader ' letters 531 Bellini-lite-'La onnambula' revisited

Alan Blyth at Covent Garden 533 People 284: Jennifer Larmore

George Hall 539 ew de k 540 High anxiety

Brian Kellow examines the phenomenon of tage fright 545 Writerly gu to

John Death.ridge on Carolyn Abbate' earch for opera 550 Obituary 554 Opera around the world 584 Opera in Britain 607 Opera on di c 613 Opera books 619 Opera on fiJ 111

620 Coming events including plans for the Khou es, Paris, Bilbao, Miamj and Fort Lauderdale, Milwaukee, ew York (Metropolitan), Philadelphia, eattle, Wa hington; 'We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad 639 Cla sified advertisement 640 Ican'tlivewithout ... 78s

Patrick O'Connor

Opera, May 2002