November 1995 Volume 46 No 11

Ediwr Rodney Milnes Associate Ediror Max Loppert Assistanr Ediror John Allison Adminisrrnw r Alice Lindsay Editorial Board Alan Blyth Hugh Canning Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman Elizabeth Forbes oel Goodwin Arth ur Jacobs Charles Osborne Andrew Porter Desmond Shawe-Taylor John Warrack

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To one there ... The Edilor People 215: Peter Sellars Andrew Clements Readers· Letters Opera-future tense Nick Kimberley Opera ewsdesk The li ves and times of 'Mat his' Roberr Henderson Obituary Opera Around the World: reports from America. Australia. Chile. Denmark. Finland. Israel. Italy. Poland. Slovenia. Sweden

COMING EVENTS S 'PPLEMENT including plans for the UK houses. Houston. Montpellier. Kiel. Leipzig. Reykj avik. Monte-Carlo: ·We hear that .. .': Opera calendar home and abroad British Opera Diary: Scottish Opera's ·Don Giovanni· and ·The Jacobin ': ·Figaro ·. 'Tosca· and 'Arianna' at Covent Garden: W O's ' abucco· and 'Madama Butterfl y·: 'Carmen' at the Coliseum: Opera orth's 'Hamlet': and ·Cunning Little Vixen' at Opera orthern Ireland Opera on disc Opera on the fr inge Opera in concert At the musical Opera books Classified advertisements

Front Cover: Peter Sellars (Photo: Bi ll Cooper)