November 1997 Volume 48 No 11
Founded by rh e Earl of Harewood Editor 1953-86 Harold Rosemhal, OBE
Editor Rodney Mi ln e Associate Editor Max Loppert Assistant Editor John A lli son Administrator Alice Lindsay Edirorial Assista111 Stefa nie Bri.iggemann Edito rial Board Alan Blyth Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman oel Goodwin Charles Osborne Andrew Porte r John Warrack
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Meltdown? Th e Editor Off with a bang Andrew Porter Readers ' Letters People 235: Simon Keenlyside Rodney Milnes Vienna , Milan , Stockholm A round-up of recent hi storical issues by Afan Blyth Sir Georg Solti , 1912-97 Sir John Tooley, Dame Kiri Te Kana wa, DBE, Alan Bly th Sir Rudolf Bing, 1902-97 Martin Mayer Opera ewsdesk Opera Around th e World: reports from America, Austria. Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Israel, It aly, Netherlands, Portugal , Slovenia , South Africa , Spain COM ING EVENTS S PPLEMENT including pl ans for the UK houses: Paris (Theatre des Champs-Elysees), Bologna, Barcelona, Sevill e, Montreal; 'We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad Opera Books British Opera Diary: ENO's 'Tosca '; 'Fide lio · and 'La cl emenza di Tito · in Cardiff; The Royal Opera·s 'Giulio Cesare·: Scottish Opera's 'Norma ' Opera on th e fringe In concert Opera on di sc Class ifi ed advertisements
Fron t Cover: Willard White in the title ro le of ·111e Flying Dutchman· at th e Coliseum (Photo: Bill Raffert y)