October 1996 Volume 47 No 10
Ediror Rodncv Milnes Associme Ediror Max Loppert Assistant Editor John A llison A d111i11ist raror Alice Lindsa,· Edirorial Board A lan Blyth Hugh Canning ndrew Clark Andrew lc ments Richard Fairman . ocl Goodwin Arthur Jacobs Charles Osborne ndrew Porter John Warrack
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The death of Wagnerism Geoffrey Whea1croji Readers· Letters Di Stefano and Core lli at 75 Giorgio Cua/er::) Opera 1 ewsdesk Garnier and Favart Ronald Cric/11011
nhappy end Pa1rick o·connor Rafael Kubelik. 191 -J.-96 John Lanigan. 1921-96 A lan Bly1h and John Dobson Opera Around the World: reports from America. Argentina. Austria. Belgium. Brazil. Canada. Finland. France. Germany. Ice land. Israe l. Italy. Monaco. 1 ethe rl ands. Portuga l. South Africa. Switzerland
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Front Co1·er: Wagner. from the photograph by Franz Hanfstaengl (Photo: AKG Photo)