Fo1111ded by 1he Earl of Hare,vood Edi10r !953-86 Harold Rosen1hal, OBE

September 1992 Volume 43 No 9

Rodney Mi lnes

Max Loppert John Al lison

Alan Blyth. Hugh Canning. Andrew Clark. Andrew Clements. Richard Fairman. El izabe th Forbes. oel Goodwin. Arthur Jacobs.

Charles Osborne. Andrew Porter. Desmond Shawe-Taylor.

John Warrack Deidre Tilley la Moun1grove Road, London N5 2LU Telephone: 071-3591037 FAX: 071-3542700

Ediwr Associme Ediror Assisw111 Edi1or Ediwrial Board

Adminis1ra1ive Direuor Ediwrial Offices

Reinvention and regeneration by David Freeman

Readers' Letters

Milhaud-a Iediterranean master by Ronald Crichton

The Almeida reborn by David Murray

In the News

The Royal Opera in Japan by Rodney Milnes


Our Critics Abroad: reports from America, Argentina. Austria. Belgium. Finland, France, Germany, Hungary. Ireland. Israel. Italy. Monaco, etherlands. New Zealand,

Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden

1019 1025 1027 1034 1037 1039 1043



including plans fo r the UK houses. Vienna Volksoper.

Marseilles. Deutsche Oper Berlin. Tel Aviv. Genoa.

Barcelona. Wexford Festival: 'We hear that . . .'


British Opera Diary: 'II viaggio a ReimsĀ· at Covent


Fringe Performances Student Performances

In Concert At the Musical On Television Book Reviews Record Reviews Classified Advertisements

1108 1114 1118 1121 I 122 1123 1124 1127 1136

Front cover: David Freeman. Artistic Director of Opera

Factory with Marie Angel (photo: ES Magazine/Solo)