eptember 2001 Volume 52 No 9
era Founded by the Earl of Harewood
Past Ediwrs Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes
Editor John Allison Marketing Director Alice Lind ay ssistant Editor Erica Jeal ub criptions Manager Angela Kipling
Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer
Ian Blyth Hugh anning Rupert hri tian en Andrew Clark Andrew lements Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Madd cks Rodney Milne (Chairman) Roger Parker Andrew Porter
Editorial Offices 36 Black Lion Lane London W6 9BE Teleph ne: 020 8563 8893
ax: 020 8563 8635 e-mail: editor@operamag.clara.co.uk Web ite: http://www.opera.co.uk
Adverti ing order and copy to Grafnne Gillis,
abbell Publishing Ltd Woodman Works 204 Durn ford Road Lond n W 19 8DR Tel: 020 897 1 8450
ax: 020 897 1 8480
Front cover: Placido Domingo (photo: Richard Haughton)
1035 Russian roulette By "/1-, e Editor
I 036 Domingo at th cro road
The ten r talk to Martin Bemheimer l 042 Readers' Letters I 046 Pop go s the opera? Rupert Chris1iansen
1053 ew de k 1055 Fifty year at the front line Edward Downes talks to Rodney Milnes 1062 People 276: Janis Kelly Hugh Canning
!067 ' r hak ll'-Adr am fu lfi lled Gerald
Papa ion
1074 Opera Around the World 1081 Coming Events Supplement including plan for the Khou es, Sydney, Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, Munich (Staat th ater am Gartnerplatz), Am terdam, eville, Bo ton; 'We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad
J 095 Opera on disc 1114 Briti h Opera Diary
1144 Opera on the fringe
J 15 l Cla ifi d advertisement l 152 I can't live without ... mi tak Barry Emslie
Opera, September 2001