April 1973

Vol 24 No 4

Founded by 1he Earl of Hare1rood



Associa1e Edi1or Alan Blyth Edi!Orial Board Arthur Jacobs, William Mann. Rodney Milnes,

Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter, Desmond Shawe-Taylor. John Warrack £di1orial Offices: 6 Woodland Rise, London 110 JUH


Turin's Teatro Regio by Giorgio Gualer:::i In the ews Callas in Mexico by Carlos Dia::: Du-Pond Shostakovich's 'The Nose' by Edward Downes Our Critics Abroad : Reports from Belgium, America, Austria, France, Germany, Holland, Ita ly, Sweden COMING EVENTS - SUPPLEME T including plans for Sadler's Wells Opera, Glyndebourne Touring Opera, San Fra ncisco, Canadian Opera ; 'We hear that .. . '; Opera Calendar Record Reviews Obituary London Opera Diary including reviews of 'Siegfried' at the Coliseum, 'Don Pasquale' at Covent Garden, and 'St iffelio' at the Collegiate Theatre Student Performances Concert Performances On Radio by Max Loppert Readers' Letters

Front cover : Alberto Remedios as Siegfried at the London Coliseum

301 307 308 313



339 359

361 372 375 377 380

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