APRIL 1983

Vol 34 No 4

Founded by £he Earl of Harewood


H ROLD ROSE THAL Alan Blyth, Rodney Milnes

Associale Edi1ors Edi!Orial Board Eli zabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacob , Max Loppert,

William Mann, Charles Osborne, Andrew Porttr Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack

Personal Assislal1l 10 !he Edi1or Edi!Orial Offices Deidre Tilley 6 Woodland Rise, London /OJUH

Looking Ahead by rh e Ediror

In the ews

'Don Carlos' in the Original Language by Andrew Porrer 365 People: 131



Robert Lloyd by Rodney Milnes


Pou lenc's 'Carmelites': the Background by Jeremy Sams 375 Three new recordings of Gluck' 'Orfeo' by Max Lopperr 380 Obituary 382 Readers' Lett ers 383 Our Critics Abroad: Report from America, A ustria , Belgium, Brazil , Chile, Denmark, Germany, It a ly, orway and Swit zerland 387

COMING EVENTS-SUPPLEMENT including p lans fo r Royal Opera in Los Angeles, Eng li sh National Opera in Plymouth , Opera North, Barbican, Houston , Santa Fe, Frankfurt, Palermo; Festiva ls 1983; 'We hear that . ' 393-404

Record Review


Book Review


Bri ti h Opera Diary, including re views of ew Sadler' We ll s Opera; Scott ish Opera in London; 'Boris Godunov' and' I! trovatore' at the Co li eum; 'Tosca' and 'Carmen ' at Covent Garden; and Cologne Opera's ' II matrimonio segreto ' 432 Fringe Performances 449 Christmas Competition-Result and Report 452 Classified Advert isements 455

Front cove r: Agnes Baltsa and Jose Carreras as Carmen and Don Jose at Covent Garden