Founded by 1he Earl of Harewood Edi1or 1953-86 Harold Rosemhal, OBE
April 1988 Vol 39 No 4
Max Lopperr Associale Ediwr
Alan Blyth, Elizabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacobs , EdiFOrial Board William Mann, Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter,
Desmond Shawe-Taylor , John Warrack oel Goodwin Overseas
News Edilor
Deidre Tilley Personal Assislanl
10 !he Edi1or la Moumgrove Road, London N5 2LU Editorial Offices
Always wrong by the Editor 401
The key to the future: a new era at Covent Garden 402
Readers' Letters 411
Obituary 418
'The purpose of playing' by N icholas Hytner 419
In the News 423
The case of 'Beatrice Cenci' by Paul Banks 426
Book Reviews 432
Our Critics Abroad: reports from Ital y, America, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Monaco, Netherlands,
Switzerland 436
including plans for Covent Garden, ENO, WNO, Scottish
Opera, New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh , Seattle, Melbourne, Berlin; Festivals 1988; 'We hear that .. .
Record Reviews
44 1-456 456
British Opera Diary, including reviews of 'Orfeo ed Euridice ' at Covent Garden and Cambridge; 'Billy Budd',
'Madama Butterfly' and 'Orpheus in the Underworld' at the Coliseum; Scottish Opera's 'Cosi fan tutte'; Opera 80's
'Seraglio' and 'Carmen'; 'Jenufa' and 'Un ballo in maschera' at Covent Garden
Student Performance Classified Advertisements
489 506 512
Front cover : (I. to r.) Jeremy Isaacs, Bernard Haitink and
Paul Findlay: respectively General Director designate , Music Director of the Royal Opera, and Opera Director at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden .
(photo: Reg Wilson)