Vol 34 No 8

Founded by the Earl of Harewood

Editor Associate Editors Editorial Board

Personal Assistant to the Editor Editorial Offices

HAROLD ROSENTHAL, OBE Alan Blyth, Rodney Milnes Elizabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacobs, Max Loppert, William Mann, Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack

Deidre Till ey 6 Woodland Rise, London N JO JUH

Tina Ru ffo by Andrew Farkas


In the News


In the Maze of Emotions by Horsr Weber

Readers' Letters



Our Critics Abroad: Report s from It aly, America, Argentina, Australia, Austria, France, Germany, Japan, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and Switzerland 850

COMING EVE TS-SUPPLEME T including plan s for Opera North, Brussels, Flanders Opera, Pari s, Lyons, Berlin , Hamburg, Zurich; Festi vals 1983; 'We hear that ... '


Obituary Briti sh Opera Diary, including reviews of 'Die Meistersinger', 'Faust', 'Fidelio ' and 'Macbeth' at Covent Garden; Scottish Opera's 'Werther'; Opera North's 'Beatrice and Benedict' and 'Eli xi r of Love'; and Musica nel Chiostro at Spitalfield s Fringe performances Student performances Concert performances Record Reviews Classified Advertisements


906 918 922 926 929 !BC

Cover : Titta Ru ffo (1877-1953) as Hamlet