Founded by 1he E:arl of Harewood Edi1or 1953-86 Harold Rosen/ha/, OBE
August 1989 Vol 40 No 8
Rodn ey Milnes Max Loppen
A lan Bl yth, Hugh Canning, Andrew Clements, Elizabeth Forbes, Arrhur Jacob s, William Mann, Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter,
Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack
Noel Goodwin Richard Fairman
Deidre Til ley la Mounrgrove Road, London N5 2LU Telephone: 0 1-359 1037 FAX: 01-354 2700
Editor Associa£e Editor Editorial Board
Overseas News Edilor Assis£anr Edi£or Administra£ive Director Editorial Offices
Jinxed 'Trovatore' by Rodney Milnes
Readers' Letters
Kupfer and the Komische in con versation with Hugh Canning
In the ews
Tenor of the Three Glorious Days by Alastair Macaulay
Zinka Milanov: an appreciatio n by Alan Blyth
Towards a definition of opera by Wallace Dace
Our Critics Abroad: reports from America, Argentina, Austria,
Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland , Israel , Italy,
Netherlands, Switzerland, USSR
908 91 I 913 918 922 929 932 934
including plans for WNO, New York City Opera, Dallas, Liege,
Bonn, Stuttgart, Geneva; Festivals; 'We hear that ... '
Book Reviews
953-967 968
British Opera Diary, including reviews of 'Carmen' at Earls Court; WNO's 'Ariadne auf Naxos' and 'La sonnambu!a'; ENO's
'Don Giovanni' and 'Mastersingers'; 'Der Rosenkavalier' at Covent Garden; and Kent Opera's 'Burning Fiery Furnace'
Fringe Performances Student Performances
In Concert On Television Record Reviews Classified Advertisements
993 1005 1013 1015 1016 1017 1024
Front cover : Eva Randova and Placido Domingo as Azucena and
Manrico in the Royal Opera's new production of 'II trovatore'
(photo: Catherine Ashmore)