Founded by the Earl of f-lare ,vood Editor 1953---86 Harold Rosemhal. OBE
August1992 Volume 43 No 8
Rodney Milnes
Max Loppert John A lli son
Alan Blyth. Hugh Canning. Andrew Clark, Andrew Clements. Ri chard Fai rman. E lizabeth Forbes. Noel Goodwin. Arthur Jacobs.
Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter. Desmond Shawe-Taylor.
John Warrack Deidre Ti llev
I a Mou111grove Road, London N5 2 LU Telephone: 071-359 1037 FAX: 071-3542700
Edi1or Associa1e Edi1or Assisra111 Ediror Edirorial Board
Adminis1ra1ive Direcror Edirorial Offices
The silly season by the Editor A tilt at the 'Dutchman' by David Murray
Readers· Letters
New faces 2: Richard Jarman by Rodney Milnes
In the ews
People 182: Siegfri ed Je rusalem by A lan Blyth British Youth Opera-a step on the ladder by John A llison
Sir Charles Groves, 1915-1992
Our Critics Abroad: reports from America, Australia, Austria, Belgium , Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland , Israel, Italy, Monaco, ethe rl ands, New Zealand.
Poland , South Africa , Switzerland COMING EVENTS SUPPLEME T
including plans fo r the UK houses, English Touring Opera,
Seattle , Vienna, Antwerp. Helsinki, Lyons, Berlin , Hamburg, Bologna. Amsterdam, Geneva; ·w e hear that . . . ' Book Reviews
British Opera Diary, with reviews of W O's 'Madam Butterfly'; ENO's 'Falstaff'; 'La Boheme', ·Samson et Dalila' and 'Don Pasquale' at Covent Garden; Opera North's ·Rigoletto· and ·Orpheus in the Underworld'
Fringe Performances Student Performances
On Video Record Reviews Classified Advertisements
889 890 893 896 901 904 910 914 915
937- 952 952
976 986 993 995 996 1008
Front cover: Julia Varady as Senta in the new production of
·Der fli egende Hollander' at Covent Garden
(photo: Clive Barda)