August 2005 Volume 56 No 8

Editor John lli son Marketing Director Alice Lindsay Assistant Editor Erica Jeal Sub criptions Manager Megan Jack on

Editorial Board Manin Bernheimer Alan Blyth Hugh anning Rupert hri tiansen Andrew lark An lrew lements Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddocks R dney Milne (Chairman) Roger Parker Andrew Porter

Editorial Offices 36 Black Lion Lane London W6 9BE Telephone: 020 8563 893 Fax: 020 563 8635 e-mail: Web ite: hLtp://

Advertising orders and copy to Jane Stoggles Cabbell Pub Ii hing Ltd Woodman Works 204 Durnsford Road London SW 19 8DR Tel: 020 897 I 8450 Fax: 020 897 I 8480

Front cover: Cecilia Bart Ii as Fiorilla in Covent Garden's new 'Turco in Italia' ( ee pp. 972-4) (photo: atherine shmore)

era Founded in 1950 by 1he Earl of l-lc1re11• ood

Pas/ Edi1ors Harold Rose111hal and Rodney Milnes

905 Boo, hiss

By the Editor 906 Unintended consequences

Dennis Marks 907 Readers' letters 911 Carlo Maria Giulini, I 9 l4-2005

Sir Thomas Allen and Alan Blyth 915 People 318: tephen Wad worth

Brian Kellow 922 Newsdesk 926 Voice in the wilderne

John Allison on Israeli Opera's 20th anniver ary 930 People's arti t

Pavel Lisitsian- thefifth in Max Loppert's singer series 935 Opera around the world 968 Opera in Britain I OOO Opera on DVD I 004 Opera on D I O 11 Opera books I O 13 oming events including plans for the UK hou e , ntwerp and Ghent, Bru el , Aarhu openhagen, He! inki, tra bourg, Mulhou e and Col mar, Frankfurt, Miami and Fort Lauderdale; 'W hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abr ad I 027 Cla sified advertisement I 028 My fir t opera: 'D n Gi vanni'

hristine Brewer

Opera, A11g11s1 2005