- .- ,) The Fabulous

Miss Freni MIRELLA FRENI is just about the most glamorous prima donna on the ir,t crnat io na l operatic scene - everyone who has seen her onstage agreEs th at she is an .:bs olute charmer. And her voice is just as brnut:iuL Her appearances at Glynd£bourna and Co, ent Garden have won her count le ss admirers. Her recordings for EM! have wcn her countless more. Mirella 's HMV debut came three years ago when she sang Mimi to Nicolai Gedc!a's Rudolfo in the refreshing HMV A~gel Rome Opera production of La Boheme. Edward Greenfield wro te in The Gramophone of her ' lovely performance .. . sweet-toned yet somehow fragile in exactly the right way for Mimi '. A year later HMV re l eased her first solo LP 'one of the most exciting and superbly oecuted vocal records for many a long day· sa id Harold Rosenthal in Opera. And tollo v. ing her notable contribution to Klemperer's Oon Giovanni ('the most enchanting Zerl ina imaginable' - Thomas Heinitz in Records & Recording ) she again partnered Gedda as 'a delightful Adina ' (Cedric Wall is. Audie Record Review) in HMV Angel's irresistib l~ L 'E/isir d'Amore. Now t his month comes anot her solo LP of a dozen favourite Puccini Arias (some conducted by her husband Leone Magiera ). All are invested with th e Freni magic. neatly characterised by Albert Makinson in Records & Recording : 'She is a superlatively sensitive performer with a very beautifu l voice . a lyrical soprano which retains an even purity throughout the whole of her expressive range '. In a word, fabulous.

PUCCINI ARIAS GIANNI SCHICCHI 0 mio babbino caro MANON LESCAUT In que ll e trine morbide SUOR ANGELICA Senza mamma LA RON DINE Che ii bel sogno di Doretta TURANDOT Sig nore, ascolta !; Death of Liu LA BOHEME SL Mi ch iamano Mimi ; Mimi's Farewell TOSCA Vissi d'arte MADAMA BUTTERFLY Un bel di. Death of Butterfly Rome Opera & RAI Orchestras Le one Magiera/ Thomas Schippers Franco Ferraris HMV ASD23 39 @ with free text-and-translation leaflet

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