February 1973

Val 24

No 2

Founded br the Earl of Hare1rnod

Editor Associate Editor Editorial Board

HAROLD ROSE THAL Alan Blyth Arthur Jacobs. William Mann. Rodney Milnes.

Charle Osborne. Andrew Porter. Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack Editorial Offices : 6 Woodland Rise, London N /0 JUH

Contents Sir Geraint Evans - 25 Years at Covent Garden

Donizetti's Comedy of Sentiment by M ichael Messenger

Labour of Love br W. H. Aude11 and Chester Kallman

From 'Stiffelio· to 'Aroldo' by George Badasconyi

In the ews


I 08




The Sydney Opera House


Our Critics Abroad : Reports from Italy, America, Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Eire, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary 123 COMING EVENTS - SUPPLEMENT including plans for Scottish Opera. Welsh National Opera. Lisbon, Palermo ; Summer Festival ; 'We hear that .. ." ; Opera Calendar 137-148 Record Reviews by Harold Rosenthal and Alan Blyth 150 50 Year Ago .. . 25 Years Ago 173 Readers' Letters 174 London Opera Diary including reviews of 'The Merry Widow' at the Coli seum and ~t~a bucco, and ~Fanfare for Eu1ope' al Covent Garden 175 Opera on Television 186 Student and Amateur performances 186 Front cover: Gaetano Donizetti - Portrait by G. B. Carnevali reproduced by permission of the Scala Museum, Milan

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