February 1979
Yol 30 No 2
Fo1111ded by the Earl of Harmoocl
Associate Editors Alan Blyth, Rodney Milnes Editorial Board Elizabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacobs, Max Leppert,
William Mann, Charles Osborne, Andrew Porter, Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack
Personal Assisrant to the Editor Deidre Tilley Editorial Offices: 6 Woodla11d Rise, Lo11don NJO 3UH
lnthe ews
The role of the comprimario: A conversation between John Dobson and the Editor I L J ·Carmen' on television by Joseph Wechsberg J 19 Opera on the Gramophone: 46 ·Eugene Onegin· Part I by A /011 Blrr/1 121 Obituaries J 2 Our Critics Abroad : Report from America, Austria. Brazi l, Czecho lovak ia , France, Germany. Ita ly, Poland, Yugosla ia 129
COMJ G EVE TS - SUPPLEME T including plans for Kent Opera, New York C it y Opera. Paris Opera, Queen land Opera Company, Bayreuth and Sa lzburg Festivals; ·we hear th a t .. .", Opera Calendar 137- 14 Gramophone Records 14 Book Re iews 150 Brief Chronicles J 74 Londo 11 Opera Dia ry: including re, iews of ·JI barbiere di Siviglia·, 'Die Fledermaus', and ·un ballo in maschera· at Covent Garden; and · Der Ro enkavalier· at th Coliseum l 75 In Leeds l 3 Student Performances 183 In Concert 1 ( On R adi o 186 Classified Advertisements 192
Front cover: Hildegard Heichele a Adele 111 ·Die Fledermaus· at Covent Garden