Founded by the Earl of Harell'ood Editor Emeritus Harold Rosenthal, OBE February 1987 Vol 38 No 2
Max Loppert Associate Editor
Alan Blyth, El izabeth Forbes, Arthur Jacobs, Editorial Board William Mann , Charles Osborne, Andrell' Porter,
Desmond Shawe-Taylor, John Warrack oel Goodw in Overseas
Nell's Editor
Deid re Tilley Personal Assistant
10 the Editor
I a Moun1gro1• e Road, London N5 2 LU Editorial Offices
Lethal ro utin e by .\fax Loppert 121
'Otelia': th e legacy or Tamagno b.1' Giorgio Gualer;J I 22
Readers' Letters I 2
In the ews I 30 Singing Com pet it ion s I 32
Smetana's romantic comedy by Jan S111ac:;.ny I 34
Book Re\'iell'S I 39
Engli,h Opera Cri ti cism in the lnter11 a r Years :
8. Hu,sey of 'The Spectator ' br John Steane 1-B
Obituary l-l9
Remembering Elisabeth Gri.immer by A lan 8/v th ISO
Our Critics Abroad : Reports from It aly, America, Austria, Bra zil, hile, Czechoslo\'akia, Fra nce, Germany, or\\'ay, Port uga l, Spain 151
inc lud ing plans for Covent Ga rd en, E 0 . Kent Opera, New Sad ler's \\'ell s Opera, W 1 0, Chicago, Adelaide. l\1uni ch, Parm a .
Sicily, Li ban; Festi,·a ls 1987; '\\'e hear that ... '
Reco rd Re,·iell',
I 6 I- I 73 I 7-l
British Opera Diar y, in cl udin g re,·iell'S of Opera orth's 'La
Boheme', Janacek double bill and 'Die Fledermau ' at the Coliseum, 'Samson ' and 'Lucia di Lammermoor' at Co,·ent
Garden, the Menot ti double bi ll a t Sadler' \\'ell Theatre t the l\lu sica l Fringe performances School performances
In co ncert On Tele,·ision
On Radio
Clas ified Ad1-crti ements
195 207 208 213 214 2 17 2 1 22-l front CO\'er: Eirian Da,·ies as Mimi and Adrian ;--J artin as Rodolfo in Opera ort h's new production of 'La Boheme·
(photo: Andre11· !\ larch)