January 1994 Volume 45 No 1
Edi1or Rodney Mi lnes Associa1e Edi1or Max Loppert Assis1m11 Edi1or John A ll ison Adminis1ra1ive Direc/Or Deidre Tilley Edi1orial Board A la n Blyth Hugh Canning Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman Elizabeth Forbes Noel Goodwin Arthur Jacobs Charles Osborne Andrew Porter Desmond Shawe-Taylor John Warrack
Edirorial Offices I a Mountgrove Road London 15 2LU Telephone: 071-359 I 037 Fax: 071-354 2700
Advertising orders and copy to Jackson-Rudd & Associates (London North East) Ltd 2 Luke Street London EC2A -+ 1T Te l: 07 1-6 13 071 7 Fax: 071-613 1108 Adver1ise111en1 Manager Brian R. Hook
From cO\·er: Rebecca Evans in the tit le role of ·Cenclrillon· fo r Welsh National Opera (photo: Clive Barda)
Founded by 1he Earl of HarelVood Edi1or 1953-86 Harold Rose111hal. 08 E
11 Maoical Massenet Rodney Miln es b
15 People 196: Leonie Rysanek
Alan Bly th 24 Readers· Letters 25 ew light on Verdi William Weaver 28 Opera Newsdesk 30 Polishing the past A lan Bly 1h 38 Wexford 1993 John A llison 43 Lucia Popp. 1939-93 A lan Bly1h 45 Obituary 47 Opera Around the World: reports from America. Australia. Aust ri a. Canada. Czech Republi c. Denmark. G rmany. Israe l. Italy. Norway 57-72 COM ING EVENTS SUPPLEMENT
including plans for the UK houses. Brisbane. Genoa. Reggio Emilia. Trieste. Festivals: 'We hear that . . .": Opera calendar home and abroad 95 British Opera Diary: Scottish Opera·s
·Salome· and ·Katya Kabanova·: ·Oneoin· and 'Die ZauberAote· b at Covent Garden: W ro·s 'Cenerentola': 'Baa-Baa Black Sheep' and ·l] re pastore· in Leeds: ·Lohengrin· a t the Coliseum 112 Opera on the fringe I J 4 Opera at the colleges 115 Opera in concert 117 At the musical 11 9 Opera on disc 124 Opera books 128 Classified advertisements