January 2000 Volume 51 No 1
Edilor John Iii on Marke1i11g Director Alice Lindsay Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer
Ian Blyth Hugh anning ndrew lark Andrew I ments Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddock Rodney Milne (Chairman) Roger Parker ndrew Porter
Edi1orial Offices la Mountgrove Road London 5 2LU Teleph ne: 020 7359 I 037 Fax: 020 7354 2700 e-mail: operamag@clara.co.uk WEB !TE: http://www.opera.co.uk
Advertising orders and copy to atherine Hawkin abbell Publishing Ltd 31 Hartfield Cre cent London W 19 3 G Tel: 020 8395 3808 Fax: 020 395 3999
Fro/I/ Cover: Ruby Philogene and Ian Bo. tridge in 'Diary of One Who Yani hed' at the R T (photo: Bill Rafferty)
Founded by !he Earl of Harewood
Pas/ Edilor Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes pera J l 12
14 16
36 37
48 49
Thank and no thank By the Editor Reading from Janae k' 'Diary' Michael Billington at the R T Reader ' Letter The ' ow' come almost home Patrick O'Connor on Weill's 'Der Ku hhandel' E ential opera: Hal 'vy 'La Juive' Cormac Newark People 259: Ala tair Mile Margaret Davies Opera ew de k A window on the future Geo,ge Loomis vi it the Maryin ky' Academy The piece don't fit Rodney Milnes at Wexford Berlioz' literary memorial Michael Kennedy n the Cairn biography Obituary Op ra Around the World: report from
66 102
l 10 113 117 127 128
111 rica, Au traJia, Au tria, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Ru ia, Switzerland COM! G EVE T PPLEMENT including plan for the Khou e ; Saint Loui , Dre den, Glimmergla , Macerata, Wexford; 'We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad Opera book Briti h Opera Diary: GTO's 'P I leas et Melisande'; 'Boh'me' and 'King Priam' at the Coli um; 'Friend of The People' at cotti h Opera Opera on the fringe Opera in concert Opera on di c Cla ified adverti ement I can't live without. .. critic Peter Jonas