January 2003 Volume 54 No 1

Editor John Alli on Marketing Director Alice Lind ay Assistant Editor rica Jeal Subscriptions Manager Angela Kipling

Editorial Board Martin Bernheimer Alan Blyth Hugh anning Ru pen Chri tian en Andrew Clark Andrew lements Richard Fairman Michael Kennedy Fiona Maddock Rodney Milnes (Chairman) Roger Parker ndrew Porter

Editorial Offices 36 Black Li n Lane London W6 9BE Telephone: 020 8563 8893 Fax: 020 8563 8635 e-mail: ed i tor@operamag.clara.co. u k Web ite: http://www.opera.co.uk

Adverti ing order and copy to Jane toggle abbell Publi hing Ltd Woodman Work 204 Durnsford Road London SW 19 8DR Tel: 020 897 J 8450 Fax: 020 897 J 8480

Front cover: Cheryl Barker and Peter Coleman-Wright in the new 'To ea' at E 0 (photo: Ala tair Muir)

era Founded in 1950 by rhe Earl of Harewood

Pasr Edirors Harold Rosenrha/

and Rodney Milnes

I l Looking forward

By the Editor

J 2 Reader ' letter 14 Between two ( r three, or four) tool

Rodney Milnes at ENO 's new 'Tosca' 17 Da i 's Garden path

Hugh Canning celebrates a still-flourishing Royal Opera career 22 ew de k 24 People 29 J: Tom Randle

George Hall 34 The Rodger cent nary

Some random musings from Rodney Milnes 38 Opera' Indochine e outpo t h.arles Pitt 47 Opera around the world 90 Opera in Britain 101 OperaonCD l 08 Opera on DVD J I O Opera book I J 3 Coming event including plans for the UK hou e , Sydn y, Melbourne, Rome; 'We hear that ... '; Opera calendar home and abroad 127 Cla ified adverti ements J 28 My fir t opera: 'La Fille du regiment'

Rupert Chri tiansen

Opera, Ja11ua1y 2003