>> CONTENTS April 2009

Issue No 325 www.artmonthly.co.uk

COVER Glenn Brown Suffer Well 2007

01 INTERVIEW Painting Paintings Glenn Brown interviewed by David Trigg

05 FEATURES Reel Time Mark Prince on the illusion of presentness in real-time film 09 Gaza Francis Frascina revisits Lament of the Images






20 PROFILE Elizabeth McAlpine Chris Townsend


EXHIBITIONS Emily Jacir Morgan Falconer 23 Mark Wallinger curates: The Russian Linesman Lucy Steeds 24 Subversive Spaces David Briers 26 Rank: picturing the social order 1516-2009 Michelle Cotton 27 Ray Johnson: Please Add to & Return Martin Herbert 28 Sean Snyder Laura McLean-Ferris 30 The Otolith Group Part 1: A Long Time Between Suns Stephen Lee 31 Michael Dean Colin Glen 32 Renée Green: Endless Dreams and Water Between Coline Milliard 32 Matt Stokes Paul Usherwood

33 George Shaw: Woodsman Michael Bracewell 35 BOOKS Alternative Economics Alternative Societies Dave Beech 36 FILM Jane & Louise Wilson: Unfolding the Aryan Papers Maxa Zoller

37 REPORT Undoing the Aesthetic Image Iwona Blazwick

39 SALEROOMS Signs of the Times Colin Gleadell

41 ARTLAW Leibovitz Futures Henry Lydiate



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ISSN 0142 6702 Art Monthly is published 10 times a year

Editor Patricia Bickers Associate Editor David Barrett Editorial Assistant Chris McCormack Listings Christopher Rawcliffe listings@artmonthly.co.uk Advertising Matt Hale Christopher Rawcliffe ads@artmonthly.co.uk


Brendan Fan subs@artmonthly.co.uk


Letty Mooring Proofreader Penny Williams Indexer Penny Butler Publisher Jack Wendler Design Beverley Jackson

Published by Britannia Art Publications Ltd. All editorial, advertising and subscription enquiries to Art Monthly, 4th Floor, 28 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0DB, T 020 7240 0389, F 020 7497 0726, info@artmonthly.co.uk. Printed in Great Britain by BKT, North Farm Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3BW. Bookshop/Gallery Retail and Newstrade Distribution: Central Books Ltd, 99 Wallis Rd, London E9 5LN, T 020 8986 4854, F 020 8533 5821, E orders@centralbooks.com. USA Distribution: Ubiquity Distributors, 607 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217, USA, T 718 875 5491.

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